✓ 100% Complete Enterprise White Label Agency

Bonus #2 REPUTATION MARKETING Agency In A Box... $2,000
Bonus #3 20 DFY Marketing Campaigns... $1,000
Bonus #4 Unlimited Lead Capture Landing Page System... $2,000
Bonus #5 5x 60 Second Review Commercials... $1,500
✓ 100% DFY Review Pix Images
✓ Automatically Syndicated
✓ Custom Automated Call To Actions
✓ Schedule Call To Actions

Discover First Hand...
✓ Step-By -Step Process Sales Method
✓ Agency Contract Templates
✓ High Converting Email Campaigns
✓ Access To Slide Decks And Case Studies
✓ Live Presentations SCRIPTS & Transcripts
✓ Free Offer & Residual Offer Strategies
We want to give you the personalized attention you deserve in growing your local marketing business. And there's not a better way to jumpstart your Rep Kahuna journey than with:

✓ Generate Leads 24/7
✓ White Label FREE Reputation Report
✓ 1 Click Instant Offer Page Creator
✓ Unlimited Landing Pages
✓ Built In Lead Manager
✓ Step By Step How To Market Your FREE Offer

5 Sixty Second Commercial Videos That Market Your 5 Star Reputation!
✓ Hosted By Professional Spokes Models
✓ Shot In Hollywood Style Studios
✓ Includes Prime Time Graphics & Animation
✓ Green Screened Office Backgrounds
✓ Automatic Social Media Syndication
✓ 100% Fulfillment, We Do ALL The Work

Randy V.
This week I sold GMB Optimization and Rep Kahuna for $2,500 setup and $1,500 a month for 6-months...
then $495/month the balance of the year."

Simon S.
"Had a win from Rest Strategy. An old insurance client from 1998 who later became my go to logo design lady in 2008, introduced me to a Mortgage Broker who she is working with atm.
Rep Kahuna for $1500 setup and $697pm. You just never know…"

Guy B.
"Just received set up payment! Closed new Rep Kahuna client for $1497 set up & $997/month!
Shot in the arm I needed to get refocused & motivated! Thanks to David for the motivation & support!"

Sherry B.
I’m so excited! I had THE best sales call ever with a training company/school today!
When I showed them the price for Rep Kahuna with $1,000 setup and $697/mo. for 12 months, he said “That’s reasonable.” (Of course my first thought was, “Crap! Why didn’t I add another $200/mo.???)"

Rick C.
"Saturday business! Popped a bolt on reputation for $1497.00 down and $497.50 a month for 36 months.
Sold with the use of a loom video!"

Rick C.
"Just got my first client!! Rep Kahuna core offer $297 set up plus $397 per month.
I have a lot more confidence now"
$7,500 Of Exclusive Bonuses Included:
REPUTATION MARKETING, ReviewPix Module, Agency In A Box, 20 Done-For-You Marketing Campaigns, Lead Capture Pages & Agency Website, Plus RepVideos!
✓ 100% Complete Enterprise White Label Agency